A Study Guide to Sugano Sensei’s Five So Tai Dosa Patterns - Final word

David Scott © 2016


A Final word


I trust it is clear that there is much to be gained from a study of the five So Tai Dosa sequences that Sugano Sensei left us. The above is a result of my own study to date in collaboration with the students with whom I train. Sensei would likely have considered it folly to produce this document with its inherent risk of ‘crystallizing the form’. I have however found it very helpful as a way to promote my own study. My hope is that it will stimulate many questions and serve to encourage others to follow Sugano Sensei’s teaching and make their own inquiry into his legacy. Clearly the larger part of my reflection has been upon the Ichi No Ken sequence. I am sure there is still more to discover in these movements especially within the latter patterns.




Lowry, Dave, The Karate Way: Discovering the Spirit of Practice. Shambhala Boston, Massachusetts, 2009

Sugano Sensei, Sugano Shihan Sword System 1, Featuring S. Sugano Shihan and Gentil Pennewaert Shidoin, An Aikido Image Project, recorded at the Shin Do Kan Dojo, Newport Beach Aikikai, CA, produced by William Buckner and edited by John D. McMahon, Copyright 2000.

Sugano Sensei, Sugano Shihan Sword System 2, An Aikido Image Project, recorded 2002 at the Shin Do Kan Dojo, Newport Beach Aikikai, CA, produced by William Buckner with Videography, Editing and Music by John D. McMahon, Copyright August 9th 2005.